We are surprised, or maybe not, that the film keeps being shown in these very sacred spaces. Once again, to our largest audience screening yet, we ended up screening it in the beautiful Buddhist main shrine room of the Shambhala Center in Boulder.
If you have been following this blog, you know that, unexpectedly, the first ever work-in-progress screening was held in a Buddhist Stupa in Tulum , Mexico. So this seems in keeping with that!
It was a private invited screening to help us raise the funding to finish the music. That is our main push now.
Close to fifty people attended and we had a lively talk back discussion at the end.
How special to share the film in a beautiful room that has had people meditating in it, twice a day for almost fifty years!
We are certainly very grateful to Andrew of the Shambhala Center in Boulder for all the help he gave to make this possible.